Dr. Andrej Trampuz is Professor for Infectious Diseases and Chair of the Device-Related Infection Management Team at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) and Queensland University of technology (QUT). He is an internationally renowned in the clinical and research field related to bone, joint and implant infections.

Dr. Trampuz received his MD degree from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (1994), internal medicine board (1997) and infectious diseases board (2000). He completed his postdoctoral research fellowship at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, USA (2001-2004) where he developed and implemented sonication of removed implants. This method revolutionized the diagnosis of device-related infections worldwide.

Dr. Trampuz worked at the University Hospital Basel, Switzerland (2005-2009) and Lausanne, Switzerland (2010-2013). In 2013, he was appointed as Head of the interdisciplinary septic unit at Charité – University Hospital in Berlin, Germany. There he led an international observership program, through which 235 clinicians and researchers visited the Charité institution to advance and share their knowledge and experience. Under his supervision 35 fellows and residents completed their medical training in internal medicine and infectious diseases. He mentored over 80 graduate and post-graduate students and scientists, working on novel diagnostic, preventive and treatment strategies against biofilms. He authored over 300 peer-reviewed publications and 26 book chapters. These papers address important clinical questions related to device-related infections, bacteriophages, biofilms and infection biomarkers.

He is the founder the ESCMID Study Group on Implant-Associated Infections (ESGIAI) and the PRO-IMPLANT Foundation, a non-profit organization supporting research, education and clinical consultations for patients with bone and implant infections (www.pro-implant.org). International collaborations include renown institutions in Switzerland (Davos, Berne, Lausanne), Spain (Barcelona), Portugal (Lisbon), Italy (Rome, Catania, Milan), Belgium (Leuven), Georgia (Tbilisi), UK (Oxford), Lithuania (Vilnius), Greece (Athens), Montenegro (Podgorica), Croatia (Zagreb), Slovenia (Ljubljana), Australia (Brisbane), China (Beijing, Shanghai), Japan (Tokyo), Philippines (Manila), Cameroon and Solomon Islands (Honiara). For his life achievement he received in 2017 the Charnley Medaille from the British Orthopaedic Society (BOA). He also holds a honorary professor position at the University Hospital in Shanghai, Democratic Republic of China.

Contact details:

Phone: +49 1516 710 3291
Email: [email protected]