
PRO-IMPLANT Foundation supports young medical scientists

The Fellow Cheng Li finished successfully his PhD.
Read here about his experience:

“Hi, everyone. My name is Cheng Li and I am an orthopaedic surgeon from China.

I started my clinical research at the Charité University Medicine Berlin under the supervision of Prof. Andrej Trampuz in 2016. I also obtained a national scholarship awarded by the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) and received a stipend from the PRO-IMPLANT Foundation during these years.

My major research interest lies in the diagnosis and treatment of periprosthetic joint infection (PJI). As a non-native English speaker, I gratefully acknowledge the help and support provided by Prof. Andrej Trampuz and Dr. Cristina Ojeda-Thies. They offered me useful insights that greatly contributed to improving my manuscript quality and I published 21 articles as the first author in peer-reviewed journals, 3 book chapters, and 1 patent related to PJI during my doctoral research. In addition, I was honoured to participate in the translation of the PRO-IMPLANT Foundation pocket guide of PJI and fracture-related infections from English to Chinese.

During this period, my supervisor allowed me to participate in orthopaedic implant-associated infection at PRO-IMPLANT Foundation Workshops, such as PJI, spinal infection, fracture-related infection, and also gave me the chance to speak at the PRO-IMPLANT Foundation Workshop. Andrej also took me to the China conference on orthopaedic infection and demonstrated my research to many Chinese scholars.

I also served on several societies during my doctoral studies. I am a reviewer for 9 medical journals and a youth editorial board member of Life Research and Bone materials. I am currently a committee member of computers and enabling technologies.

I perceive these experiences as a big milestone in my career development. This international, professional, multidisciplinary team provides a modern approach to diagnosis and treatment of implant and surgical infections for patients. I highly recommend you visit or join the team of the Septic Surgery Unit of Charité. Although I will return to China this year, I look forward to establishing a long-standing continued international cooperation with Andrej in the future.”

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